title #ware Voting Links user shadow ip vol 1 lock ******** Below are the list of artworks I have received per announcement on channel topic. /link http://www.addpoll.com/view?13096 Sdodson's Submission /bar /link http://www.addpoll.com/view?13156 Brimstone's Submission /bar /link http://www.addpoll.com/view?13084 Shadow404's Submission Notice: Please use the honor code and only vote once per submission. Lets not torify the voting. Heh. /bar /bar 1st Place: Shadow404 with 7.25 /imagefile shadow_result.JPG /link http://www.addpoll.com/results?13084 /bar 2nd Place: Brimstone with 7.0 /imagefile brimstone_result.JPG /link http://www.addpoll.com/results?13156 /bar 3rd Place: Sdodson with 6.57 /imagefile sdodson_result.JPG /link http://www.addpoll.com/result