title Defcon Pics user shadow ip vol 1 lock ******** /b /center DEFCON PICS /center /i /link http://www.defcon.org Defcon.org /center /i Summary At Bottom / /bar /center /imagefile FREE_KEVIN.jpg / How cool is that, it's even signed by him to. Never did find him though, i bought this off a vendor. /bar /gallery { /imagefile Index.jpg Index of all Pictures / /imagefile Root_Fu.jpg Root Fu Competition Room / /imagefile Protocol_Conroom_Laptop.jpg Ttye0 In Con Room / /imagefile Area51_Jet.jpg I think this is a jet from groom lake, It had a red stripe across its body. / /imagefile Fountain_Bubbles.jpg Someone had a little fun with the fountain. / /imagefile HardRock_LED_Sign.jpg Laughing boy and I were amazed at the quality images this LED sign was able to put out. By the way, the Strech SUV was just pure coincidence that it was in the pic. / /remark leave this slash, above text crosses into kelly pic. /imagefile Kelly.jpg Kelly after a long drive to Defcon with her crew. / /imagefile TV_WIN2k.jpg This is just sad, the Defcon CCTV was done off a windows box. / /imagefile Bar_Sherrod.jpg This is the Bar in Patty's room, lots of fun, trust me, not much of a selection, but fun nonetheless. / /imagefile Vegas_Strip.jpg A picture of the strip. / /imagefile Timball_Finger.jpg One word.....Timball!!!!!!! / /imagefile Greg_Sleep_Shot.jpg Greg looks sleepy. / /imagefile Sherrod_Cam_Shot.jpg Sherrod at the pool taking picture of someone else. / /imagefile Couch_Pic.jpg People on couch. / /imagefile Couch_Bong.jpg Same pic, but this one looks like greg is smoking a bong. / /imagefile Couch_Chair.jpg Other random couch pic, but this one with a person in a chair. NARLY!!! / /imagefile Door_Sherrod.jpg Patty's place of temporary residence. Notice it wouldn't be that hard to find when enebreated. Coincidence????? / /imagefile Walk_In_Door.jpg 3 People walking in. / /imagefile Tty_Fishnet1.jpg Ttye0 outside walking from Patty's. / /imagefile Tty_Fishnet_Door.jpg Random door pic. / /imagefile Unknown_CarrotTop_Door.jpg Mugshot 1 / /imagefile Unknown_HalfCap.jpg Mugshot 2 / /imagefile Unknown_MessyHair.jpg Mugshot 3 /bar / /center /b My Summary Of Defcon Defcon was similiar to other hacker conventions I have been to in many ways and in many ways it is different as well. The overall attendance at Defcon was one to awww and splendor at. Over 2,500 people attended Defcon this year in Las Vegas. So there was never a shortage of people to talk to you. / As in any big groups you dont really get to know the people around you as you would in a smaller gro